Anti-UAV Solution – Based on Stealth Technology

A fully armed MQ-9 Reaper taxis down an Afghanistan runway Nov. 4. The Reaper has flown 49 combat sorties since it first began operating in Afghanistan Sept. 25. It completed its first combat strike Oct. 27, when it fired a Hellfire missile over Deh Rawod, Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson)

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Armies around the world have been investing resources in the development of UAV hunting capabilities.

A unique stealth robotic system capable of detecting unmanned aerial vehicles has been created by the Russian Zavod Electromash plant.

As the company’s spokesman Valery Pyatkin told, they had developed an advanced stealth robotic system capable of detecting reconnaissance and attack drones. The mobile optical-radar, non-emitting complex is due to enter service at the Russian Armed Forces after the wrap-up of the development work which will last until mid-2017 at the earliest, according to Pyatkin.

“The 20-kg system includes the receiving antenna and software-hardware complex to process and display information. The system can be supplemented with optical electronics for reconnaissance purposes”, he said.

Aside from tracked vehicles, the remotely operated system can be based on small truck chassis, including a SUV or a minivan. The detection range is over 20 kilometers, with a radar accuracy of about 10 meters.

“First and foremost, the absence of active radiation makes the system very stealthy, not allowing the enemy to detect and destroy it with anti-radar means; secondly, the system detects enemy attack and reconnaissance drones which observe radio silence mode; also, the system can effectively detect sophisticated enemy stealth drones of various types,” he said.

Non-emitting radiolocation was presented by Pyatkin as a promising trend in the development of modern radar systems on the whole. Non-emitting radar systems use signals from those transmitters which are not related to systems, Pyatkin explained, citing TV and radio broadcasting systems, mobile connection as well as broadcasting, navigation and communications satellites. Non-emitting radar systems detect an object by comparing and processing the signals, which include a direct signal from another transmitter and the same signal reflected from an object.