Egozi’s Fury – Out of Touch

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18315594_m egozi featureAre they out of touch? White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest made a surprising comment when speaking to reporters last week about the intentions behind the terrorist on the kosher deli in Paris. In the course of this attack, four Jews were shot to death. Nevertheless, Earnest said the terrorist attack did not target Jews.

Earnest said “the victims were not targeted”, and reiterated that “those who were tragically killed were not targeted because of who they were but rather, they were killed because they happened to be there. There were other people, non-Jews, at the Deli at that time.”

In reply to a follow up question, Earnest josh earnest gave the same answer: “There were non-Jews there too at the time.”

The White House later issued a statement according to which “the terrorist attack in Paris was perpetrated on anti-Semitic grounds. The speaker never meant to say anything else.”

Misinformed? Chance remark? You tell me. Anyway, someone in D.C. seems to refuse to accept a few basic facts.


While everybody in Israel – and I mean everyone – is involved in some stupid, futile, election war, dangerous developments are unfolding along Israel’s northern border. But who has the time or dedication to deal with them?

Syrian regime forces and Hezbollah fighters have taken control of several cities and towns south of Damascus, and are making progress towards the Syrian border with Israel. This, according to reports in the Syrian national TV Channels. The reported progress is part of a campaign Syrian president Assad recently launched in a bid to reclaim his control of the Syrian part of the Golan Heights.

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Lebanese sources said the attack is coordinated, with both Hezbollah and Iranian forces. According to unsubstantiated sources, General Qassem Sulymani, commander of the El Kuds force in the framework of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, arrived at the scene. This development is concomitant with the recent increase in rocket shelling of Damascus.

So right now, a new, dangerous is front is unfolding in the Golan Heights. But here in Israel, they are too busy with silly campaign clips and corresponding accusations. Had politicians’ accusations constituted arms systems, Israel could have defeated ISIS and the Hezbollah in a single day.

Nevertheless, this is not the case. We are going to pay dearly.


The cruel execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS bolstered Jordan’s motivation.

In recent days, Jordanian Air Force fighters, aided by aircraft from the United Arab Emirates, launched several ISIS targets in Syria. Jordan’s Air Force Commander Mansur Jaber said his country conducted some 56 airstrikes against ISIS in recent days. This is part of the pledge by Jordan’s King Abdullah to avenge the death of the Jordanian pilot. There have also been reports according to which Jordan Army forces had been deploying along the border with Iraq in order to block ISIS infiltrations into Jordan.

Whoever needed proof that the anti-ISIS Coalition’s airstrikes were, to put it politely, “hardly substantial” – is now in for an ultimate proof. Since the pilot’s execution, Jordan’s small, rudimentary Air Force, has succeed in doing what the so-called “Coalition” has not managed to achieve for months.

What’s the difference? The Jordanians are motivated. The other coalition members are simply going through the motions, so no one could say they did nothing.

Arie Egozi iHLS editor-in-chief
Arie Egozi
i-HLS editor-in-chief