A Cyberattack Every 39 Seconds – The Dangers of the ‘Remember Me’ Checkbox

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The Remember Me checkbox promises online users a convenient, one-time log in, but using this feature has various security implications. Research released by the VPN company ZenShield reveals the 2,200 cyberattacks happening on a daily basis (approximately one every 39 seconds) due to this convenient feature.

According to Innovation News Network, the Remember Me checkbox saves usernames and even passwords, thus getting rid of the need for users to remember their complicated credentials and sign-in information. However, ZenShield claims that this convenience hides a significant security risk.

Steffan Black from ZenShield explains: “The ability to access personal, financial, or sensitive information faster isn’t necessarily better. Security must be a top priority regarding online accounts – remember, cyber attackers love convenience, too.”

Experts explain that this reliance on the Remember Me checkbox exposes users to many risks. If a device lands in the wrong hands, the malicious actor could immediately access all online accounts with ease. Essentially, any computer or device with this feature left unattended becomes an easy entry point for cyber attackers.

Another danger is cookie theft – when users check the box, a piece of data containing the login credentials is stored on the device. These pieces of data can then be stolen by hackers who will then receive access to online accounts.

Nevertheless, ZenShield’s research provides suggestions of safer alternatives to the Remember Me checkbox: using a password manager (encrypting your passwords and requiring one master password to access others); setting up biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition features); and enabling Two-Factor Authentication (requiring a secondary form of verification and adding an extra layer of security).

Steffan Black concludes that when it comes to data security, simplicity breeds risk. Although it is supposed to be a time saver, the Remember Me checkbox can end up as a cybersecurity liability.