How Do Companies Train Their Employees?

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Why train cybersecurity professionals? The answer is simple: management sees that better security results and risk mitigation are required. Training also develops skills that help organizations prevent or respond to cybersecurity incidents on the horizon or that may emerge down the road.

In fact, in the 2022 Dark Reading Decision Maker’s Survey 47% of cybersecurity executives say that a shortage of skilled employees is an issue that adversely affects their organization.

In today’s increasingly complex threat landscape, adversaries are well funded and are using advanced resources to develop and evolve new threat variants. It’s more important than ever for organizations to have a comprehensive, ongoing training program in place.

To address these challenges, organizations are prioritizing allocating resources to endpoint security, data security, and secure access service edge (SASE) training. This also is followed by remote, cloud, and network security training, as reported on by

Organizations are also prioritizing skills in a variety of topics to help defend against modern threats on the broad range of attack vectors. That’s why it’s so important to have a comprehensive training program in place.

Online training is becoming the preferred approach over in-person training. The reason for this is simple: online training can be integrated seamlessly into an employee’s daily work tasks, making it more likely that the employee will actually learn what they’re supposed to learn.

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