

This week was marked by a series of terrorist shooting attacks in Paris, directed against the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and Jewish targets. These...

The shock that gripped France following the terrorist attacks in Paris in early January 2015 will probably wane as time passes. Similarly, the urgency...

President Barack Obama will invite allies to a Feb. 18 security summit in Washington to try and prevent violent extremism, U.S. Attorney General Eric...

According to a report issued by Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - BSI), hackers had struck an...

"Marine and land containers are used to smuggle huge numbers of weapons to Europe and they are in the hands of terror cells," an...

Al-Qaida in Yemen said it directed the attack against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris "as revenge for the honor" of Islam's...

Securing seaports and defending them has unfolded as a key priority in recent years. The threat posed by terrorist organization sets its eyes on...

High alert in all the Jewish organizations following the deadly attack in Paris this morning. "In some Muslim neighborhoods in Paris and other cities, there...

France is a hub of diverse terrorist activity, just waiting for a chance to perpetrate terrorist attacks. This, according to Israeli counterterrorism experts. These experts...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this special interview to iHLS TV, Chris Day, head of global capability development at Schiebel, discussed the company, its...

A growing competition between VTOL unmanned air systems (UAS) is expected in the coming years. An innovative electric unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed in a...

The British government introduced a far-ranging bill last week aimed at protecting U.K. citizens from international terrorism. The Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill aims to...

Blue Bird Aero is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 BlueBird Aero Systems has...

Reports of expanding international aid to West Africa in the wake of rising Ebola death toll and the spread of the disease are hailing...

The French company Sagem (Société d’Applications Générales de l’Électricité et de la Mécanique - Company of General Applications of Electricity and Mechanics) has revealed...

The terrorist organization ISIS might introduce aircraft hijacking as part of its war against the West. Will this new situation provide Israel's Transport Ministry...

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, first responders and emergency teams soon found out that they were ill-equipped to coordinate with one another. That realization...

Anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli terrorism in Europe is growing and becoming a plague. All signs point to its future spread. The question is whether Israel is leaving...

Does a virtual country still need real military protection? And if so, who provides it? Short answer: Yes, and the United States. President Barack Obama made a...

A delegation of 8 officers and volunteers travelled to Greece to assist local firefighters in putting forest fires out as part of strengthening the...

Unmanned vehicles and innovative mobile apps – these are the cutting edge technologies used to maintain order at large airports nowadays. The latest addition...

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is expected to update its charter in September to address cybersecurity while leaving open the question of whether hacks...