iHLS Accelerator Startup: Accessible IoT Cybersecurity for All Devices


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Just a few days before the President Trump inauguration, 70% of Washington DC’s CCTV cameras had been infected with a ransomware causing the system to be shut down for three days. In another incident, the FDA has recalled 500,000 pacemakers after discovering that hackers could run the batteries down or even modify the patient’s heartbeat.  

These examples demonstrate the fact that the current realm of IoT is not secure enough. From toys to security cameras, smart locks, etc. – the connected devices are not secured.

They can be easily hacked in order to attack sensitive devices and systems at homes and businesses when it is enough to hack only one device in order to reach the whole network. Moreover, the threat has moved from the digital to the physical sphere. IoT devices have become target to cyber terrorism aimed at devastating complete systems in states and cause substantial physical damage.

Large organizations and corporations also lack an adequate solution to the problem of protecting the access to IoT devices.

The manufacturers of the devices do not expertise in security, and even security cameras do not contain enough security measures. The problem has been getting more exposure only recently when more and more demands for regulation have been raised by various states, as well as by the EU (via the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation). Starting from May 2018, each device in Europe that will not comply with the minimum security requirements will cost manufacturers 4% of annual global turnover or €20 Million. The regulation will also affect manufacturers outside of Europe, which sell to the European market.

The new Israeli startup EasySec Solutions offers a unique solution to the problem faced by these manufacturers: Security as a service protecting the device itself. The startup participates in the iHLS Security Accelerator.

This company’s innovative technology does not require any expertize in security. It is an off-the-shelf solution that can be used to secure the organization’s connected devices deployed in the field. This unique technology solves all the problems related to small devices, such as the lack of computing power, delegating it to the cloud. This innovation leads to a considerable cut in expenses because it is a solution as service, it saves both development and maintenance costs.

Furthermore, the software developed by the company is pre-integrated in the operating system of the device. The protection is executed inside the device, or in an external dongle of an already-deployed system. What is special about the technology is that it supplies a generic solution which operates on all types of IP devices, without restriction to a particular one.

The technology promises several advantages addressing the main concerns of manufacturers:

  • Simplifying security complexity
  • Reducing development and ongoing maintenance costs by providing all the security framework on the cloud
  • Shortening time-to-market thanks to pre-integration
  • Flexibility, as the EasySec agent may be hosted in the device itself or in EasySec Dongle.

The applications are suitable for the civilian and homeland security fields alike. Various safe city applications and IoT industrial 4.0 uses are only a few of the domains addressed by EasySec Solutions’ technology.

From left: Avraham Darmon, David Bellaiche

This fascinating startup has been founded by two seasoned entrepreneurs, David Bellaiche, Co-Founder and CEO, and Avraham Darmon, Co-Founder and CTO. Both have many years of experience in security technologies, cybersecurity, and integration: David expertized in security and embedded technologies and served as a security solution architect at Cisco and NDS, and Avraham served as system integration manager in these companies as well as in Checkpoint.

In an interview to iHLS, David said they expect their technology to bring about the democratization of security in the future – having safe devices must become everyone’s basic right, and not just the right of privileged actors like corporations and large organizations. Their solution provides cyber protection to every manufacturer and brings peace of mind to the customers. David envisions that EasySec Solutions’ new security standards will be there to contribute to the security of the world economy.

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