This Is How Your Smart Home Might Look In 2030

This Is How Your Smart Home Might Look In 2030

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How cool is it when you can turn on your coffee machine using a smartphone app when you’re still nodding off in bed? Or better yet – the boiler, so you could enjoy a hot shower to pick you up at the beginning of the day?

But what if each device, smart as it may be, required a different app to operate? Would you really download dozens of apps and go through each of them every time you want something done around the house?

Rather than an assemblage of devices that can be controlled from smartphones, the homes of the future will integrate technology more seamlessly in ways that actually impart value. There will be less of the smartphone in the smart home.

This requires several things: First, the sensors must be integrated, rather than controllable through a separate device.Take for example the lightbulb. Instead of having to turn it on and off yourself, a smart motion sensors should control the light turning on when you enter the room and off when you leave it.

Second, it will require new interfaces. Instead of keys or smart locks, biometric systems will be the way to enter home. The surface of the door will recognize members of your family through their retina or skin structure.

Third, the homes of the future will be smarter than they are today through learning algorithms. Devices will learn the residents’ preferences and use those to predict behaviors. It will not be necessary to program a light timer or a thermostat because the light already knows the residents’ movements and behaviors.

On top of that, smart materials will make homes leaner and more energy efficient and multifunctional devices will serve as platforms that make single-function devices obsolete. For instance, enhancing a light bulb with sensors turns it into a security system which can alert unexpected presence inside a room.

In conclusion, the smart home of the future will not be just about smart devices, but also be mindful of the system as a whole, it’s materials and its functionality.